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First of all,Double click on RC_CUpdate.exe, which is located in C:\cade2004\OUTPUT。

How to making a update request file

Step One:     following is the window after the update tool runing

Select“产生升级请求串”,then click on “下一步”。

Step two:    Doing as following:

Select“文件升级”click on“下一步”。

Step three:    Making the update file.

Type in any file name in the blank, then click on“保存”。For example:input“cade”

The update request data will be saved as a file,for example the file of “cade”, which had showed in the following figure。

Our technician will send back a update file to you ,after he received your update request file。Our e-mail is:



How to update the machine.

After you get the update file from our technician,running the RC_CUpdate.exe and select“升级”,then click on“下一步”。

Then click on “浏览”, locate your update file。

Then click on“升级”。Your job is done till now. You can running your machine as usual.

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